Former Graduate Students

Name Graduated Thesis Topic(s) Thesis Data
William Palfey2024Hydrogen Incorporation in MineralsLink to thesis
Steve Chemtob
amorphous silica coatings on Hawaiian basalts
Link to thesis
Laura Baker Hebert 2008 Development of color in greenish quartz Link to thesis
Julie O'Leary 2006 New method to measure H Link to thesis
Elizabeth Johnson 2003 Hydrogen in nominally anhydrous crustal minerals Link to thesis      Link to data     
Yulia Goreva 2001 Rose quartz and meteorites Link to thesis 
Albert Yen 1998 Mars surface chemistry Link to thesis
David Bell 1992 OH in mantle minerals Link to thesis
Dimitrios Vlassopoulos 1992 Hydrogen in rutile
Shenda Baker 1991 Diamond surfaces Link to thesis 
Oded Navon 1989 CO2 in diamonds Link to thesis 
Cleve Solomon 1988 Isotopes and hydrous feldspars Link to thesis 
Andy Gaynor 1988 Synthetic hydrous feldspars  
Jim Conca 1985 Rock weathering Link to thesis
Stephanie Mattson 1985 Intervalence charge transfer Link to thesis 
Roger Aines 1984 OH in minerals Link to thesis
Anne Hofmeister 1984 Feldspars Link to thesis
Russ Potter 1978 Desert varnish and Mn oxides Link to thesis
Don Goldman 1977 Mineral spectroscopy of Fe Link to thesis

Former Postdocs

Tim Glotch 2005 State University of New York, Stony Brook Minerals in space
Chi Mai 2001 Analytical Facility, California Institute of Technology Micro-mineralogy; rose quartz
Zifu Wang1996Beckman Laser Institute, Univ..California, IrvineOPO laser spectrometer technology
Eugen Libowitzky 1995 University of Vienna OH in minerals systematics
M Darby Dyar 1985 Mount Holyoke College Mica Spectroscopy
Louise Levien1979ExxonMobil Upstream Research Co.Carbonate in minerals
Jeff Hare1975Olivines