Diode-Array Spectrometer Howto Guide

How to change the number of scans/exposure
Change the number, hit enter. Scan the leakage again.

How to change between IR/visible light
Hit the black button to the right of the microscope and wait until new grating moved into position. Also change the "Range". If you change the exposure time, be sure it's for the Visible or IR (top vs. bottom). screenshot

How to get the aperture lined up
Close them most the way and get the edges into focus. The apertures can be pulled any direction by unlatching the plastic bar, moving, then latching it back down. Likewise the apertures can be rotated in any direction. Get as much of the sample in as possible, closing the aperture if necessary. Also make sure you're just using the smooth, flat, polished surfaces.

How to save backgrounds/raw samples and put them together later
This is important when changing temperature because can't adjust sample between different temperatures. Run all samples or backgrounds first and go to "Tools" and save. Then run the other and save all. A good method is run all the backgrounds first and save. On the next run with the sample, load the background before scanning sample. Then just save as fixed abs between each. *Remember to have the same number of scans/exposure time!*

How to merge graphs
Go to the Graphics folder on the desktop. Run Merge.exe. Pick the first graph you want to merge with the icon on file 1. Select file 2 then select your next file. Anytime you manually change the axis or want to stop changing with auto, hit fix (X or Y) axis. Then clear your graph and redraw it. It helps to zoom where you will be joining the graphs before cutting them. Remember the very ends of IR and Visible graphs have more error than further in. As a good general rule: pick as much towers the middle of their overlap as possible, avoiding and local bumps. To cut, select a graph and enter a value you want to delete all values above a certain value. Enter the value and hit the button. Never the same value for the delete lower than but select the other file. Delete. Now you should have two graphs which stop at the same point. Pick one to raise or lower. The vertical bars to the right are coarse then fine scales to raise and lower. Once you think you have the graph in place hit "Execute move" twice. then redraw the graph. Readjust to your need if necessary. To merge, first give the merged data a new name in that spot in the middle of the page. The hit merge data. This can be redrawn and saved.
