Alphabetical Listing for I
Updated 6/23/2023 by GR Rossman
- Ibragimova eM, Mukhamedshina NM, Islamov AK (2009)
Correlations between Admixtures and Color Centers Created upon
Irradiation of Natural Beryl Crystals. Inorganic Materials 45, 162–167
- Ichenko EA, Grinchenko CF, Khomenko VM, Zinchenko OV
(1990) Crystallochemical peculiarities of biotites in the northwestern
part of the Ukrainian Shield by data from IR and optical spectroscopy.
Mineralogicheskiy Zhurnal 12, 8-18 (in Russian).
- Ignatov SI, Platonov AN, Sedenko VS, Taran MN (1990) Rose color
quartz caused by dumortierite microinclusions. Dopovidi Akademii Nauk
Ukrainskoi RSR Seriya B7:23-27 (in Ukranian)
- Ignatov SI, Platonov AN (1992) Effect of light scattering on
the optical-spectroscopic characteristics of and color parameters of
chalcedony. Mineralogicheskii Zhurnal 14:23-29 (in Russian)
- Ihinger PD, Stolper EM (1986) The color of meteoritic
hibonite: an indicator of oxygen fugacity. Earth Planetary Sci Letters
- Ikeda K, Ohashi H (1974) Crystal field spectra of
diposide-kosmochlor solid solutions formed at 15 kb pressure. J Japan
Assoc Mineral Petrol Econ Geol. 69:103-109
- Ikeda K, Yagi K (1982) Crystal-field spectra for blue and
green diposides synthesized in the join CaMgSi2O6-CaCrAlSiO6. Contrib.
Mineral Petrol 81:113-118
- IIkeda
K, Nakamura Y, Masumoto K, Shima H (2005) Optical Spectra of Synthetic
Spinels in the System MgAl2O4–MgCr2O4. Journal of the American
Ceramic Society 80, 2672-2676.
- lchenko EA, Grinchenko CF, Khomenko VM, Zinchenko OV (1990)
Crystallochemical peculiarities of biotites in the northwestern part of
the Ukrainian Shield by data from IR and optical spectroscopy. Mineral
Zhurnal 12:8-18 (in Russian)
- Isetti G (1959) Investigations of the coloration of fluorites. Periodico di Mineralogia 28, 19-29. (in Itallian)
- Isetti G (1967) Color and pleochroism of baryte. Periodico di Mineralogia. 36, 25-41. (in Italian)
- Isetti G (1970) Studio Sulla Colorazione Della
Celestina. Doriana 4, 1-7. In Italian
- Isotani S, Albuquerque ARPL, Dias OL, Furtado WW (1988) Optical
absorption in irradiated natural beryl. Anais da Academia Brasileira de
Ciencias 60, 393-8.
- Isotani S, Fujii AT, Antonini R, Furtado WW (1988) Optical
absorption study of radiation and thermal effects in Brazilian samples
of spodumene.Instituto de Fisica, Universidade de Sao Paoul Publicacoes
IFUSP/P-703. 29 pages.
- Isotani S, Furtado WW, Antonini R, Dias OL (1989) Line-shape and
thermal kinetics analysis of the iron ion(2+) band in Brazilian green
beryl. American Mineralogist 74, 432-8
- Isotani S, Fujii AT, Antonini R, Pontuschka WM, Rabbani SR,
Furtado WW (1991) Optical absorption study of radiation and
thermal effects in Brazilian samples of spodumene. Anais da Academia
Brasileira de Ciencias 63, 127-139.
- Isotani S, Watari K, Mizukami A, Bonventi W, Ito AS (2007) UV
optical absorption spectra analysis of spodumene crystals from Brazil.
Physica B: Condensed Matter (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 391, 322-330.
- Isotani S, Blak AR, Watanabe S (2010) UV optical absorption
spectra analysis of beryl crystals from Brazil. Physica B405, 1501–1508.
- Isotani S, Matsuoka M, Albuquerque ARPL (2013) Isothermal
annealing of a 620 nm optical absorption band in Brazilian topaz
crystals. Physica B: Condensed Matter 415, 38-43.
- Ito AS; Isotani S (1983) Optical absorption and electron spin
resonance in natural, irradiated and heated spodumene. Report (1983),
(IFUSP-P-429), 46 pp.
- Ito AS, Isotani S (1991) Heating effects on the optical
absorption spectra of irradiated, natural spodumene. Radiation Effects
and Defects in Solids 116, 307-314.
- Itoh N, Stoneham D, Stoneham AM (2002) Ionic and eletronic
processes in quartz: Mechanisms of thermoluminescence and optically
stimulated luminescence. Journal of Applied Physics 92, 5036-5044.
- Ittipongse A, Maneewong A, Ekaputra IMW (2018) The
characteristics of electron irradiated topaz: UV-Vis, EPR, and Mid-IR
spectroscopic analyses. Materials Today: Proceedings, 5(7_Part_1),
- Ivey HF (1947) Spectal Location of the Absorption Due to Color Centers in Alkali Halide Crystals. Physical Review 72, 341-343.
- Iwauch W, Matsyuk SS, Taran MN (1999) Optical absorption spectra
and colorimetric data of gem-grade garnets from the Santo Inacio River
Basin, Coromandel county, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Revista Brasileira
de Geociencias (1999), 29(4), 491-496. in Portuguese.