Alphabetical Listing for M
Updated 6/24/2023 by GR Rossman
- Ma C, Goreva JS, Rossman GR (2002). Fibrous
nanoinclusions in massive rose quartz: HRTEM and AEM
investigations. American Mineralogist 87, 269-276.
- Ma CA, Han WB.(1992) On fluorite color mechanism. Vocanoloty and MIneral Resources 13, 53-62 (in Chinese)
- Ma Hy, Cui DA, Qin ZL, He Z, Mu SC (2006) Spectroscopic
characterization of the rare mineral-pyromorphite. Acta Mineralogica
Sinica 25, 165-168. (In Chinese)
- Mackey, DJ, McMeeking RF, Hitchman MA (1979) Magnetic
anisotropy and electronic structure of gillespite, a mineral containing
planar, four-coordinate, high-spin iron(II). Journal of the
Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions: Inorganic Chemistry
(1972-1999) (2), 299-305
- MacKenzie KJD, Green JM (1971) The cause of coloration in
Derbyshire Blue John banded fluorite and other blue banded fluorites.
Mineral Mag 38, 459-470.
- MacKenzie KJD (1972) The possible role of sulphur in the
coloration of Blue John fluorite. Mineral Mag 38:979-981
- Mäki J-M, Tuomisto F, Kelly CJ, Fisher D, Martineau PM (2009)
Properties of optically active vacancy clusters in type IIa diamond.
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 21, 364216.
- Makovsky J (1966) Multiple optical spectra of trivalent
gadolinium in crystals of the fluorite type. Physics of Quantum
Electronics Confrence Proceedings (1966), 340-9.
- Maksimovic Z, Panto Gy, Poharc-Logar V, Logar M (1994)
Mineralogy, chemistry and origin of color of chrysoprase and green opal
(prasopal) from Glavica nickel deposit, South Serbia. Bulletin -
Academie Serbe des Sciences et des Arts, Classe des Sciences
Mathematiques et Naturelles: Sciences Naturelles 35, 1-18.
- Malsy A, Klemm L (2010) Distinction of Gem Spinels from the Himalayan Mountain Belt. Chimia 64 (2010) 741–746
- Malsy A, Karampelas S, Schwarz D, Klemm L, Armbruster T,
Taun DA (2012) Orangey-red to orangey-pink gem spinels from a new
deposit at Lang Chap (Tan Huong-Truc Lau), Vietnam. Journal of
Gemmology 37:19-27.
- Manceau A, Calas G, Decarreau A (1985) Nickel-bearing clay
minerals: I. Optical spectroscopic study of nickel crystal chemistry.
Clay Minerals 21:341-360
- Manceau A, Calas G (1987) Absence of evidence for Ni/Si
substitution in phyllosilicates. Clay Minerals 22:357-362.v
- Maneewong A, Pangza K, Jangsawang N, Charoennam T (2016) Effect
of Heat Treatment and Electron Beam Irradiation Tourmaline: UV-Visible,
EPR, and Mid-IR Spectroscopic Analyses.Walailak Journal of Science
& Techology 13, 993-1003.
- Maneewong A, Seong BS, Shin J, Kim JS, Kajornrith V (2016) Color
Change of Tourmaline by Heat Treatment and Electron Beam Irradiation:
UV-Visible, EPR, and Mid-IR Spectroscopic Analyses. Journal of the
Korean Physical Society 68, 83-92.
- Maneewong A, Seong BS, Shin J, Kim JS, Kajornrith V (2016)
Neutron-diffraction Studies of the Crystal Structure and the Color
Enhancement in γ-irradiated Tourmaline. Journal of the Korean
Physical Society 68, 329-339.
- Maneewong A, Pangza K, Charoennam T, Thamrongsiripak N,
Jangsawang N (2019) The Impact of Electron Beam Irradiation in Topaz
Quality Enhancement. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1285,
012022, 7 pages.
- Manning PG (1966) Cu(II) in octahedral sites in sphalerite. Canadian Mineralogist 8, 567-571.
- Manning PG (1967) Absorption spectra of Fe(III) in octahedral sites in sphalerite. Canadian Mineralogist 9, 57-64.
- Manning PG (1967) The optical absorption spectra of some
andradites and the identification of the 6A1 - 4A14E(G) transition in
octahedrally bonded Fe3+. Canadian J Earth Sci 4:1039-1047
- Manning PG (1967) The optical absorption spectra of the
garnets almandine-pyrope, pyrope, and spessartite and some structural
interpretations of mineralogical significance. Canadian Mineralogist
- Manning PG (1968) Absorption spectra of the manganese-bearing
chain silicates pyroxmanganite, rhodonite, bustamite and serandite. Canadian Mineralogist 9, 348-357
- Manning PG (1968) An optical absorption study of the origin of
colour and pleochroism in pink and brown tourmalines. Canadian
Mineralogist 9, 678-690.
- Manning PG (1968) Optical absorption spectra of octahedrally
bonded Fe3+ in vesuvianite. Canadian Journal of Earth Science 5, 89-92.
- Manning PG (1969) An optical absorption study of the origin
of colour and pleochroism in pink and brown tourmalines. Canadian Mineralogist 9, 678-690
- Manning PG (1969) On the origin of colour and pleochroism of
astrophyllite and brown clintonite. Canadian Mineralogist 9, 663-677
- Manning PG (1969) Optical absorption studies of grossular,
andradite (var. colophonite) and uvarovite. Canadian Mineralogist 9, 723-729
- Manning PG (1969) Optical absorption spectra of
chromium-bearing tourmaline, black tourmaline and buergerite. Canadian Mineralogist 9, 57-70
- Manning PG (1970) Racah parameters and the relationship to
lengths and covalence of Mn2+- and Fe3+-oxygen bonds in silicates. Canadian Mineralogist 10, 677-688.
- Manning PG, Townsend MG (1970) Effect of next-nearest
neighbour interaction on oscillator strengths in garnets. J Phys Chem
3, L14-15
- Manning PG, Harris DC (1970) Optical-absorption and
electron-microprobe studies of some high-Ti andradites. Canadian Mineralogist 10, 260-271
- Manning PG, Nickel EH (1970) A spectral study of the origin
of colour and pleochroism of a titanaugite from Kaiserstuhl and of a
riebeckite from St. Peter's Dome, Colorado. Canadian Mineralogist 10, 71-83
- Manning PG (1972) Optical absorption spectra of Fe3+ in
octahedral and tetrahedral sites in natural garnets. Canadian Mineralogist
- Manning PG (1973) Extinction coefficients of Fe3+ spectral
bands in oxides and silicates as indicators of local crystal
composition. Canadian Mineralogist 12:120-123
- Manning PG (1973) Effect of second-nearest-neighbour
interaction on Mn3+ absorption in pink and black tourmalines. Canadian Mineralogist 11:971-977
- Manning
PG (1973) Intensities and half-widths of octahedral-Fe3+ crystal-field
bands and Rachah parameters as indicators of next-nearest-neighbour
interactions in garnets. Canadian Mineralogist 12, 215-218.
- Manning PG, Tricker MJ (1975) Optical absorption and
Mössbauer spectral studies of iron and titanium site-populations in
vesuvianites. Canadian Mineralogist 13:259-265
- Manning PG (1975) Charge-transfer processes and the origin
of colour and of pleochroism of some Ti-rich vesuvianites. Canadian Mineralogist 13:110-116
- Manning PG (1976) Ferrous-ferric interaction on adjacent
face-sharing antiprismatic sites in vesuvianites: evidence for ferric
ion in eight coordination. Canadian Mineralogist 14:216-220
- Manning PG (1977) Charge-transfer interactions and the origin of
color in brown vesuvianite. Canadian Mineralogist15:508-511
- Manning PG, Owens DR (1977) Electron microprobe, X-ray
diffraction, and spectral studies of South African and British
Columbian "jades". Canadian Mineralogist 15, 512-517.
- Mao HK, Bell PM (1971) Crystal field spectra. Carnegie Inst.
Washington Yearbook 70:207-215
- Mao HK, Bell PM (1972) Interpretation of the pressure effect
on the optical absorption bands of natural fayalite to 20 kb. Crystal
field stabilization of the olivine-spinel transition. Carnegie Inst.
Washington Yearbook 71:524-527
- Mao HK, Bell PM (1972) Electrical conductivity and red
shift of absorption in olivine and spinel at high pressure. Science,
- Mao HK, Bell PM (1972) Optical and electrical behavior of
olivine and spinel (Fe2SiO4) at high pressure. Carnegie Inst.
Washington Yearbook 71:520-524
- Mao HK, Bell, PM and Dickey, JS. (1972) Comparison of the
crystal-field spectra of natural and synthetic chrome diopside.
Carnegie Inst. Washington Yearbook 71:538-541
- Mao HK (1973) Observations of optical absorption and
electrical conductivitty in mangesiowustite at high pressures. Carnegie
Inst. Washington Yearbook 72:554-557.
- Mao HK, Bell PM (1973) Polarized crystal-field spectra of
microparticles of the moon. In : Analytical Methods Developed for
applicaton to Lunar Sample Analyses. ASTM STP 539, 100-119. Amer Soc.
for Testing and Materials.
- Mao HK, Bell PM (1973) Luna 20 plagioclase: Crystal-field
effects and chemical analysis of iron. Carnegie Inst. Washington
Yearbook 72:662-665.
- Mao HK, Bell PM (1974) Crystal-field effects of ferric iron
in goethite and lepidocrocite: band assignment and geochemical
applications at high pressure. Carnegie Inst. Washington Yearbook
73, 502-507
- Mao HK, Bell PM (1974) Crystal-field effects in spinel:
oxidation states of iron and chromium. Carnegie Inst. Washington
Yearbook 73, 332-341.
- Mao HK, Bell PM (1974) Crystal field effects of trivalent
titanium in fassaite from the Pueble de Allende meteorite. Carnegie
Inst. Washington Yearbook 73, 488-492.
- Mao HK, Seifert F (1974) A study of the crystal-field
effects of iron in the amphiboles anthophyllite and gedrite. Carnegie
Inst. Washington Yearbook 73, 500-502
- Mao HK, Bell PM (1975) Crystal-field effects in spinel:
oxidation states of iron and chromium. Geochim Cosmochim Acta
39, 865-874
- Mao HK (1976) Charge-transfer processes at high pressure.
In: The Physics and Chemistry of Minerals and Rocks. RGJ Strens, ed., J
Wiley, New York, p. 573-581
- Mao HK, Bell PM, Virgo D (1977) Crystal-field spectra of
fassaite from the Angra Dos Reis meteroite. Earth Planet Sci Let
- Mao J, Chai LT, Guo S, Fan JL, Bao F (2013) Spectra of dark
green jade from Myanmar. Guangpuxue yu guangpu fenxi [Spectroscopy and
Spectral Analysis] 33, 1388-1391.(In Chinese)
- Marfunin AS, Platonov AN, Fedorov VE (1967)
Iron(II) optical spectrum in sphalerite. Fizika Tverdogo Tela (Sankt-Peterburg) 9, 3616-3618 (in Russian)
- Marfunin AS, Mineeva RM, Mkrtchyan AR, Nyussik YaM, Fedorov
VE (1967) Optical and Moessbauer spectroscopy of iron in rock-forming
silicates. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya Geologicheskaya
1967:86-102 (in Russian)
- Marfunin
AS, Platonov AN, Fedorov VE (1968) Optical spectrum of Fe2+ in
sphalerite. Soviet Physics solid State, USSR. 9, 2847- (In Russian)
- Marfunin
AS, Mkrtchyan AR, Nadzharyan GN, Nyussik YM, Platonov AN (1971) Optical
and Moessbauer spectra of iron in some layered silicates. Izvestiya
Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya 1971, 87-93. (In Russian)
- Marques C, Falcao A, da Silva RC, Alves E (2002) Structural and
optical characterization of topaz implanted with Fe and Co. Nuclear
Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam
Interactions with Materials and Atoms 191, 312-316.
- Marshall M, Runciman WA (1975) The absorption spectrum of rhodonite. American Mineralogist 60, 88-97.
- Marusak LA, Messier R, White WB (1980) Optical absorption
spectrum of hematite from near-IR to UV. Journal of Physics and
Chemistry of Solids 41, 981-4.
- Maschmeyer D, Niemann K, Hake H, Lehmann G, Rauber A (1980) Two
modified smoky quartz centers in natural citrine. Physics and Chemistry
of Minerals 6, 145-156.
- Maschmeyer D, Lehmann G (1983) A trapped-hole center causing rose
coloration of natural quart. Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 163,
- Mashkovtsev RI (1995) Optical absorption in synthetic
tourmalines containing Mn, Fe, Ni, and Cu. Geologiya i Geofizika 36,
122-6. in Russian.
- Mashkovtsev RI, Smirnov SZ, Shigley JE (2006) The features of the
Cu2+ entry into the structure of tourmaline. Journal of Structural
Chemistry 47, 252-257.
- Massi L, Fritsch E, Collins AT, Hainschwang T, Notari F (2005)
The "amber centres" and their relation to the brown colour in diamond.
Diamond and Related Materials 14, 1623-1629.
- Mathew G, Karanth RV, Rao TKG, Deshpande RS (1998) Maxixe-type
colour centre in natural colourless beryl from Orissa, India: an ESR
and OA investigation. Journal of Gemmology 26, 238-251.
- Mathew G, Karanth RV, Rao, TKG, Deshpande RS (2000) Colouration
in natural beryls: A spectroscopic investigation. Journal of the
Geological Society of India 56, 285-303.
- Matkovskii
AO, Platonov AN, Tarashchan AN, Sidorenko GA (1980) New data on
the luminescence and spectroscopy of meta-autunite. Mineralogicheskii
Zhurnal 2, 46-53. (In Russian)
- Matkovskii
AO, Platonov AN, Tarashchan AN (1983) Optical absorption spectra and
color of uranyl-containing minerals. Mineralogicheskii Sbornik (Lvov)
37, 7-19. (In Russian)
- Matsyuk SS, Platonov AN, Belichenko VP (1978) On the
dependence spectroscopic parameters of Cr3+ ions on garnet composition.
Konst Svoystv Mineral (Constitution and Properties of Minerals)
12:, 112-115 (in Russian)
- Matsyuk SS, Platonov AN, Karkiv AD (1978) Typomorphic
characteristics of the color of garnets and pyroxenes from deep
xenoliths in kimberlites of Yakutia (Yakut ASSR). Konstitutsiya i
Svoistva Mineralov (1978), 12, 76-88. (in Russian).
- Matsyuk SS, Platonov AN, Taran MN, Smirnov GI, Povarennykh AS
(1980) Blue-purple "alexandrite" effect in chromium-bearing pyropes.
Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrains'koi RSR, Seriya B: Geologichni,
Khimichni ta Biologichni Nauki (1980), 27-32. In Ukrainian
- Matysuk SS, Platonov AN, Khomenko VM (1985)
Оптиуеские Спектры и Окраска Мантийных Минералов В Кимберлитах. [Optical Spectra and Coloring of Mantle
Minerals in Kimberlites] Kiev, Naukova Dumka 248 p. (in Russian).
- Matsyuk SS, Platonov AN, Genshaft YS, Saltykovskii AY,
Slodkevich V, Kaminskii FV, Kepezinskas V (1988) Optical-spectropscopic
study of garnets from deep-seated paragenesis. Izves Akad Nauk SSSR,
Ser Geolog 1988:46-58 Iin Russian)
- Matsyuk SS, Platonov AN, Bulanova GP (1989) Optical spectra of
orange garnets included in diamonds. Doklady Akademii Nauk
Ukrainskoi SSR, Seriya B: Geologicheskie, Khimicheskie i
Biologicheskie Nauki 1989, 15-18 (in Russian).
- Matsyuk, SS, Platonov AN, Polshin EV, Taran MN, Tatarintsev VI,
Badion NS, Vishnevski AA, Safronov AF, Smirnov GI (1989) Spinels
of Mantle Rocks. Pavliship VI, editor. Academy of Sciences of the
Ukrainian SSR. Kiev: Science Dumka 1989. 212 pages. (in Russian)
- Matsyuk SS, Bartoshinskii ZV, Platonov AN, Bekesha SN,
Vinichenko TG (1990) Optical spectra and color of diamonds from some
deposits of Russia. Mineralogicheskii Sbornik (Lvov) 44:3-10 (in
- Matsyuk SS, Platonov AN. Spbelev MV (1994) Effect of crystal
chemical factors on optical spectra and coloration of
chromium-containing garnets. Zhurnal Prikladnoi Spektroskopii
60:141-151 (in Russian)
- Matsyuk,
S. S. (1999) Optically active centers as indicators of differentiation
of the upper mantle primary material. Mineralogicheskii
Zhurnal21, 20-38. (In Russian)
- Matsyuk SS, Tsvelodub IF, Bugaenko VN (1999) Optical
absroption spectra and color of the Mn-bearing garnets.
Mineralogichesky Zhurnal 21: 44-59 (in Russian)
- Matsyuk SS (1999) Mineralogy of rutile websterites from
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Zhurnal 21, 61-71. in Russian.
- Mattson SM, Rossman GR (1984) Ferric iron in tourmaline. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 14:225-234
- Mattson SM, Rossman GR (1986) Yellow, manganese-rich elbaite
with manganese-titanium intervalence charge transfer. American
Mineralogist 71, 599-602.
- Mattson SM, Rossman GR (1987a) Identifying characteristics of
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- Mattson SM, Rossman GR (1988) Fe2+-Ti4+ charge transfer in
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