Alphabetical Listing for V
Updated 6/24/2023 by GR Rossman
- Vaggeli G, Olmi F, Massi M, Glulntini L, Fedi M, Fiora L,
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in Natural Stones of Commercial Interest. Microchim. Acta 145, 249–254.
- Valyashko EG, Grum-Grzhimailo SV (1953) The color of corundum and
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Akademiya Nauk SSSR (1953), No. 8, 111-28. (in Russian)
- van Heel ACS (1925) Considerations on the energy levels of uranyl
compounds. Communications Physics Laboratory. University Leiden,
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- van Heel ACS (1931) Some experiments on fluorescence. Communications Physics Laboratory. University Leiden 187, 3-14.
- Vance ER, Anderson BW (1972) Metamict Ceylon zircons. Mineralogical Magazine 38, 605-13
- Vance ER (1974) The anomalous optical absorption spectrum of low
zircon. Mineral Mag 39:709-714.
- Vance ER, Mackey DJ (1974) Optical study or U5+ in zircon. J Phys
C: Solid State Phys 7:1898-1908
- Vance ER, Mackey DJ (1975) Further studies of the optical
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- Vance ER, Mackey DJ (1978) Optical spectra of U4+ and U5+ in
zircon, hafnon, and thorite. Phys Rev B 18:185-189
- Vance ER, Price DC (1984) Heating and radiation effects on
optical and Mössbauer spectra of Fe-bearing cordierites. Phys Chem
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- Vaughan DJ, Tossell JA, Johnson KH (1974) Bonding of ferrous
iron to sulfur and oxygen in tetrahedral coordination.Comparative study
using SCF Xα scattered wave molecular orbital calculations. Geochimica
et Cosmochimica Acta 38, 993-1005.
- Vedanand S, Rao PS, Reddy YP, Nagarajan T, Reddy
(1992) Mössbauer, optical, and EPR spectral studies of
alunite. Physica Scripta 45, 414-16.
- Vedanand S, Rao PS, Reddy BJ (1993) Spectroscopic investigations
on different grade samples of talc. Radiation Effects and Defects in
Solids 127, 169-176.
- Vedanand S, Reddy BJ, Reddy YP (1994) Spectroscopic
investigations on polydymite. Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids
128, 257-262.
- Vedanand S, Sudhana BM, Reddy
Rao PS (1996) EPMA, EPR, electronic and vibrational spectral studies on
natural aurichalcite. Bulletin of Materials Science
19, 1089-1094.
- Vedanand S, Reddy BJ, Reddy YP (1991) Spectroscopic
on stringhamite, Ca[Cu(SiO4)](H2O). Solid State Comm 77:231-234
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N, Grum-Grzhimailo SV (1936) Spectro-pleochroism, meter and
investigation of mineral dichroism. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya
A 3, 383-5. (in Russian)
- Velickov B, Abs-Wurmbach I, Kahlenberg V (2001) Fe2+ and Fe3+ in
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- Venkata
RM, Srinivasulu G, Ravikumar RVSSN, Vedanand S, Reddy BJ (1996)
Electronic and vibrational absorption spectra in nickelblodite. Indian
Journal of Physics B, 70B, 87-92.
- Venkataramanaiah M, Ravikumar RVSSN, Chandrasekhar AV, Reddy
AV, Reddy YP, Rao PS (1998). Tetrahedral site of Cu2+ in bornite and
bournonite. Ferroelectrics 216:27-34
- Veremechik TF, Grechusnikov BN, Varina TM, Sviridov DT,
Kalinkina IN (1975) Absorption spectra and calculation of energy-level
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garnet, orthoclase, and manganese silicate. Kristallografiya
19:1194-1199 (Trans: Sov Phys Crystallogr 19:742-744.)
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spinel solid solution ZnAl2−xCrxO4. Physics and Chemistry of
Minerals 43, 22-42.Vujko VI, Dunayeva GV, Taran MN, Vishnevskij AA
(1985) A
quantitative determination of chromium in pyrope garnets from their
optical absorption spectra. Mineralogicheskiy Zhurnal 5:91-94 (in
- Vertriest W, Khowpong C, Sakpanish P, Viala M (2023)
Color study of fancy sapphire from Greenland. Gems & Gemology
59, 145-148
- Vesselinov I (1977) On the yellow color of wulfenite (PbMoO4) crystals. Kristall und Technik 12, K36-K38.
- Viana RR, jordt-Evangelista H, Magela da Costa G, Stern WB (2002)
Characterization of beryl (aquamarine variety) from pegmatites of Minas
Gerais, Brazil. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 29, 668 – 679.
- Vigier M, Fritsch E (2020) Pink Axinite from Merelani, Tanzania:
Origin of Colour and Luminescence. The Journal of Gemmology 37, 192-205.
- Vishnevskii VN, Klimovskaya LK (1958) A simple method for
studying absorption spectra of microcrystals Ukrains'kii Fizichnii
Zhurnal (Ukrainian Edition) (1958), 3, 239-244.
- Vishnevskii VN, Kulik LN (1988) Spectral properties of
aluminum oxide silicate (Al2OSiO4) single crystals in the 4-24 eV
range. Optika i Spektroskopiya 65, 326-8. In Russian
- Vokhmentsev AY, Nalivkin AB, Kholodok NI, Belova AN (1972)
Correlation of color and optical spectra with the constitution of
potassium feldspars. Tatarinov PM (ed.) Kristallogr. Mineral.,
Tr. Fedorovskoi Yubileinoi Sess. (1972), 177-81. (in Russian)
- Vokhmentsev AY, Ostroumov MN, Marin YB, Platonov AN, Popov VA,
Tarashchan AN, Shmakin BM. (1989) Amazonite. Nedra, 192 p. ISBN
5-247-01107-4. In Russian..
- Voronko YK, Kaminskii AA, Osiko VV (1965) Analysis of the
optical spectra of Pr3+, Nd3+, Eu3+, and Er3+ in fluorite
crystals (type 1) by the concentration series method. Zhurnal
Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki 49, 724-9. In Russian
- Voskresenskaya IE, Grum-Grzhimailo SV (1967) Color of synthetic iron tourmalines. Kristallografiya 12, 363-5. In Russian
- Vukanov VV, Platonov AN, Taran MN (1977) Colour of gem
quality spinels from Kuhilal deposit. Zapiski Vsesoyuznogo
Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva 5: 565-571 (in Russian)
- Vukanov VV, Platonov AN, Taran MN, Polshin EV (1977) Colour
of clinohumite, a new gem stone. Constitution and Properties of
Minerals 11: 36-41 (in Russian)