H in Kornerupine
Updated 7/1/2023 by GR Rossman
- Ottolini L, Hawthorne FC (2001) SIMS
ionization of hydrogen in silicates: a case study of kornerupine. Journal of Analtical Atomic Spectrometry 16, 1266-1270.
- Ottolini L, Camara F, Hawthorne FC (2002) Strategies for Quantification of Light Elements in Minerals by SIMS: H, B and F - Microchimica Acta 155. 229-233
- Cooper MA, Hawthorne FC, Grew ES, Rossman GR (2009) The crystal
chemistry of the kornerupine-prismatine series. II. The role of
hydrogen. The Canadian Mineralogist 47, 263-274.