Alphabetical Listing for T
Updated 6/24/2023 by GR Rossman
- Takei H (1976) Czochralski growth of Mn2SiO4 (tephroite) single
crystal and its properties. J Crystal Growth 34:125-131
- Takei H, Hosoya S, Ozima M (1984) Synthesis of large single
crystals of silicates and titanates. In: Materials Science of the
Earth's Interior, I. Sunagawa, ed. pp 107-130. Terra Scientific Pub Co,
- Talla D, Wildner M, Beran A, Skoda R, Losos Z (2013) On the
presence of hydrous defects in differently coloured wulfenites
(PbMoO4): an infrared and optical spectroscopic study. Physics and
Chemistry Minerals 40, 757-769.
- Tang S, Su J, Lu T, Ma Y, Ke J, Song Z, Zhang J, Liu H (2018) A
thick overgrowth of CVD synthetic diamond on a natural diamond. The
Journal of Gemmology 36, 134-141.
- Tang W, Guo Y, Ma L (2012) Influence of Fe2+ on the Color
Appearance of Yellow-Green Peridot. Key Engineering Materials
492, 370-373.
- Taran MN, Platonov AN, Kalinichenko AM, Povarennykh
AS (1978) Investigation of Nature of Color of Heliodors from
Transbaikal Area. Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrainskoi Rsr Seriya
B-Geologichni Khimichni Ta Biologichni Nauki 5, 415-419. (in Ukranian)
- Taran MN, Platonov AN, Polshin EV (1978) Colour of gem
garnets from deposites of USSR. In: Constitution and Properties of
Minerals (Konstitutsiya i Svoistva Mineralov ) 12: 88-103 (in Russian)
- Taran MN, Platonov AN, Polshin EV (1978) Color of jewelry-grade
garnets from USSR deposits. Konstitutsiya i Svoistva Mineralov 12,
88-103. In Russian
- Taran MN (1979) Investigation of nature of colour of gem
zircons. In: Problems of Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology and Ore
Formation. Kiev, Naukova Dumka, 50-56 (in Russian)
- Taran
MN (1979) Study of the nature of the coloring of jewelry-grade
zircons. Vopr. Geokhimii, Mineral., Petrol. i Rudoobraz., Kiev (1979),
50-6. In Russian
- Taran MN, Platonov AN, Mikhailov MA, Demina TV (1979) Isomorphism
of chromium in ring silicates (according to spectroscopic data).
Konstitutsiya i Svoistva Mineralov (Constitution and Properties
of Minerals) 13, 41-45. (in Russian)
- Taran MN, Nazarov YuN (1982) Using of the modernized
spectrophotometer IKS-14 for measuring optical absorption spectra of
minerals in near infrared range (750-2500 nm) Zapiski Vsesoyuznogo
Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva 5: 609-613 (in Russian)
- Taran MP, Platonov AN, Petrusenko S, Khomenko VM, Belichenko VP
(1984) Optical absorption spectrum of manganese(3+) ion in natural
clinozoisites. Geokhimiya, Mineralogiya i Petrologiya 19, 43-51. Sofia,
Bulgaria Academy of Science (In Russian)
- Taran MN, Platonov AN, Rossovskii LN, Polshin EV (1984) Study of
the nature of the color of spodumenes. Kristallokhimiya i
Spektroskopiya Mineralov (Crystal Chemistry
and Spectroscopy of Mineral), Kiev, Naukova Dumka, 31-48. In Russian
- Taran MM, Platonov AN (1987) Optichni spektri poglinannya
vivianitu pri kimnatniy i nizkiy temperaturakh. [Optic absorption
spectra of vivianite at room and low temperatures] Dopovidi Akademiyi
Nauk Ukrayinskoyi RSR, Seriya B: Geologichni, Khimichni ta Biologichni
Nauki 1987, 12-15. In Russian
- Taran MN, Platonov AN, Pol'shin EV, Matsyuk SS (1987) Optical
spectra and coloration of natural spinels of the (Mg,Zn,Fe)(Al,Fe)2O4
composition. Mineralogicheskiy Zhurnal 9:3-15 (in Russian)
- Taran MN, Platonov AN (1988) Optical absorption spectra of iron ions in vivianite. Physics and Chemistry of Mineral 16, 304-310
- Taran MN, Bondar YuH, Matsyuk SS, Polshin EV (1989)
Spectroscopic investigations of olivine and chromite from the
Marjalachti meteorite. Mineralogicheskiy Zhurnal 11: 80-87 (in Russian)
- Taran
MN, Klyakhin VA, Platonov AN, Pol'shin EV, Indutnyi VV (1989) Optical
spectra of natural and artificial iron-containing beryls at 77-297 K.
Kristallografiya 34, 1470-1474. (in Russian) Translation: Soviet
Physics Crystallography 34, 882-884.
- Taran MN, Tarashchan AN, Platonov AN, Bagmut NN, Skrigitil AM
(1989) Spectroscopic study of jewelry-grade scapolites from the eastern
Pamirs [USSR].Zapiski Vsesoyuznogo Mineralogicheskogo
Obshchestva 118, 90-100. In Russian
- Taran MN, Tarashchan AN, Platonov AN, Skrigitil AM
(1989) Nature and thermal stability of the color of gem-quality
scapolites of the eastern Pamirs. Doklady Akademii Nauk Ukrainskoi
SSR, Seriya B:Geologicheskie, Khimicheskie i Biologicheskie
Nauki(1989), (4), 23-26. In Russian
- Taran MN, Bagmut NN, Kvasnytsya VN, Kharkiv AD (1990) Optical
and ESR spectra of natural zircons of kimberlitic type.
Mineralogicheskiy Zhurnal 12: 44-51 (in Russian)
- Taran
MN, Bagmut NN, Kislyakova TY, Kvasnitsa VN (1990) Spectral
characteristics of zircon from mantle-derived rocks and its
prospecting significance. Mineralogicheskii Sbornik (Lvov) 12, 44-51.
- Taran MN, Lebedev AS, Platonov AN (1990) Optical
spectroscopic study of synthetic iron-containing tourmalines. Izvestiya
Akademii Nauk SSSR. Ser Neorgan Marerialy 26:863-867 (in Russian)
- Taran MN, Lebedev AS, Platonov AN (1990) Optical spectroscopy
of synthetic ferriferous tourmalines. Izv Acad Nauk SSSR, Inorganic
materials 26, 1025–1030.
- Taran MN, Matsuk SS, Bondar YV (1991) Optical spectra and
composition of olivine and spinel from the Marialakhti and Eagle
Station pallasites. Geochem International 28, 110-118; Translated from
Geokhimiya 4, 573-582.
- Taran MN (1993) Optical spectroscopy investigation of
natural iron-bearing olivine, ortho- and clinopyroxenes in temperature
range 24 to 300 C. Crystal field stabilization energy and intersite
distribution of Fe2+ ions. Mineralogicheskiy Zhurnal 15, No 1: 42-54
(in Russian)
- Taran
MN (1993) Optical absorption spectra of chromium(3+)-containing
minerals at pressures up to 8 GPa. Mineralogicheskii Zhurnal 15,
18-26. In Russian
- Taran MN (1993) Optical spectra of Cr3+-bearing minerals in
temperature range 77-797 K. Mineralogicheskiy Zhurnal 15, No 3: 46-53
(in Russian)
- Taran
MN, Lebedev AS, Platonov AN (1993) Optical Absorption spectroscopy of
synthetic tourmalines. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 20, 209-220.
- Taran
MN, Langer K, Platonov AN, Indutny VV (1994) Optical absorption
investigation of Cr3+ ion-bearing minerals in the temperature range
77-797 K. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 21, 360-372.
- Taran
MN, Langer K, Platonov AN (1996) Pressure- and temperature-effects on
exchange-coupled-pair bands in electronic spectra of some oxygen-based
iron-bearing minerals. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 23, 230-236.
- Taran MN, Langer K (1998) Temperature and pressure
dependence of intervalence charge transfer bands in spectra of some Fe-
and Fe,Ti-bearing oxhygen-based minerals. Neues Jahrbuch für
Mineralogie - Abhandlungen 172, 325-346.
- Taran MN, Kvasnytsya VM, Valter AA, Chashka OI,
Palkina OY (1998) Optical spectroscopic study of diamond microcrystals
from Ukranian placers. Mineralogicheskii Zhurnal 20, 64-71.
- Taran MN, Andrut M, Polshin EV, Matsyuk SS (1999) Optical
spectroscopy study of natural Fe, Ti-bearing calcic amphiboles. Physics
and Chemistry of Minerals 27, 59-69.
- Taran MN, Langer K (2000) Electronic absorption spectra of Fe3+
ions in andradite and epidote at different temperatures and pressures.
European Journal of Mineralogy 12, 7–15.
- Taran MN, Langer K (2001) Electronic absorption
spectra of Fe2+ ions in oxygen-based rock-forming minerals at
temperatures between 297 and 600 K.Physics and Chemistry of Minerals
28, 199-210.
- Taran MN, Rossman GR (2001) Optical spectroscopic study of
tuhualite and a re-examination of the beryl, cordierite and osumilite
spectra. American Mineralogist 86:793-983
- Taran MN, Rossman GR (2001) Optical spectra of Co2+ in three synthetic silicate minerals. American Mineralogist 86, 889-895.
- Taran MN, Langer K, Geiger CA (2002) Single-crystal electronic
absorption spectroscopy of synthetic chromium-, cobalt-, and
vanadium-bearing pyropes at different temperatures and pressures.
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 29, 362-368.
- Taran MN, Rossman GR (2002) High-temperature, high-pressure
optical spectroscopic study of ferric-iron-bearing
tourmaline. American Mineralogist87,1148-1153.
- Taran MN, Tarashchan AN, Rager H, Schott S, Shürmann K,
Iwanuch W (2003) Optical spectroscopy study of variously colored
gem-quality topazes from Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Phys Chem
Minerals 30:546-555
- Taran MN, Kvasnytsya VM, Langer K (2004) On unusual deep-violet
microcrystals of diamonds from placers of Ukraine. European Journal of
Mineralogy 16, 241-245.
- Taran MN, Langer K, Abs-Wurmbach I, Frost D, Platonov AN (2004) Local
relaxation around [6]Cr3+ in synthetic pyrope-knorringite garnets,
[8]Mg3[6](Al1–xCrx3+)2[4]Si3O12, from electronic absorption spectra.
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 31, 650–657.
- Taran MN, Koch-Mūller M, Langer K (2005) Electronic absorption
spectroscopy of natural (Fe2+, Fe3+)-bearing spinels of spinel
s.s.-hercynite and gahnite-hercynite solid solutions at different
temperatures and high-pressures. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 32,
- Taran MN, Dyar MD, Matsuyk SS (2007) Optical absorption study of
natural garnets of almandine-skiagite composition showing intervalence
Fe2+ + Fe3+ → Fe3+ + Fe2+ charge-transfer transition. American
Mineralogist 82, 753-760.
- Taran MN, Langer K, Koch-Müller M (2008) Pressure dependence of
color of natural uvarovite: the barochromic effect. Physics and
Chemistry of Minerals 35, 175-177.
- Taran MN, Ohashi H, Koch-Muller M (2008) Optical spectroscopic
study of synthetic NaScSi2O6–CaNiSi2O6 pyroxenes at normal and high
pressures. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 35, 117-127.
- Taran MN, Koch-Müller M, Feenstra A (2009) Optical
spectroscopic study of tetrahedrally coordinated Co2+ in natural spinel
and staurolite at different temperatures and pressures. American
Mineralogist 94, 1647-1652.
- Taran MN,
Koch-Müller M, Wirth R, Abs-Wurmbach I, Rhede D, Greshake A (2009)
Spectroscopic studies of synthetic and natural ringwoodite,
gamma-(Mg,Fe)2SiO4. Phys Chem Minerals 36, 217-232.
- Taran MN, Koch-Müller M (2010) Optical spectroscopic study of
natural Fe-rich Pizzo Forno staurolite at different temperatures and
pressures. American Mineralogist 95, 323-328.
- Taran MN,
Ohashi H, Langer K, Vishnevsky AA (2010) High-pressure electronic
absorption spectroscopy of natural and synthetic Cr3+ -bearing
clinopyroxenes. Mineralogical Journal (Ukraine) 32, 14-26.
- Taran MN, Koch-Muller M (2011) Optical absorption of electronic
Fe-Ti charge-transfer transition in natural andalusite: The thermal
stability of the charge-transfer band. Physics and Chemistry of
Minerals38, 215-222.
- Taran MN, Ohashi H, Langer K, Vishnevskyy AA (2011) High-pressure
electronic absorption spectroscopy of natural and synthetic
Cr3+-bearing clinopyroxenes. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 38,
- Taran MN, Ohashi H (2012) Optical absorption spectroscopy study
of three synthetic V3+-bearing clinopyroxenes. European Journal of
Mineralogy 24, 823-239.
- Taran MN Koch-Müller M (2013) FTIR spectroscopic study of natural
andalusite showing electronic Fe–Ti charge-transfer processes: zoning
and thermal evolution of OH-vibration bands. Physics and
Chemistry of Minerals 40:, 63–71.
- Taran MN, Parisi F, Lenaz D, Vishnevskyy AA (2014) Synthetic
and natural chromium-bearing spinels: an optical spectroscopy study.
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 41, 593-602.
- Taran MN, Dyar MD, Naumenko IV, Vyshnevsky OA (2015) Spectroscopy
of red dravite from northern Tanzania. Physics and Chemistry of
Minerals 42, 559–568.
- Taran MN, Naumenko IV (2016) Usambara effect in tourmaline:
optical spectroscopy and colourimetric studies. Mineralogical
Magazine, 80, 705-717.
- Taran
MN, Dyar MD, Khomenko VM, Boesenberg JS (2017) Optical absorption,
Mössbauer, and FTIR spectroscopic studies of two blue bazzites. Physics
and Chemistry of Minerals 44, 497-507.
- Taran MN, Müller J, Friedrich A, Koch-Müller M (2017)
High-pressure optical spectroscopy study of natural siderite. Physics
and Chemistry Minerals 44, 537–546.
- Taran MN, Dyar MD, Khomenko VM (2018) Spectroscopic study of
synthetic hydrothermal Fe3+-bearing beryl. Physics and Chemistry of
Minerals 45, 489–496.
- Taran MN (2019) Electronic intervalence Fe2+-Ti4+ →
Fe3+-Ti3+ charge‑transfer transition in ilmenite. Physics and Chemistry
of Minerals 46, 839–843.
- Taran MN, Vyshnevskyi OA (2019) Be, Fe2+- substitution in
natural beryl: an optical absorption spectroscopy study. Physics and
Chemistry of Minerals 46, 795-806.
- Tarashchan AN, Platonov AN (1973) Isomorphism and valence
transformations of rare earth ions in natural anhydrites according to
luminescencedata. Geokhimiya (1973), (8), 1203-1210. In Russian
- Tarashchan AN, Serebrennikov AI, Platonov AN (1973) Luminescence
of lead ions in amazonite. Konstitutsiya i Svoistva Mineralov 7,
106-111. (in Russian)
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Optical and EPR study. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 42, 131-141.
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Seriya Fizicheskaya 31, 2067-2069. In Russian
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