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Optical Spectra of Amesite, Mg2Al(AlSiO5)(OH)4
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Optical Spectra of Chalcomenite, CuSeO3·2H2O
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Optical Spectra of 'Chrysocolla', (Cu,Al)2H2Si2O5(OH)4•nH2O
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Optical Spectra of Cobaltomenite, CoSeO3·2H2O
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Optical Spectra of Condrodite, (Mg,Fe)5(SiO4)2(F,OH)2
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Optical Spectra of Conichalcite, CaCu(AsO4)(OH)
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FTIR, Raman and electronic reflectance spectroscopy. Mineralogical
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Spectra of Connellite, Cu19(SO4)(OH)32Cl4·3H2O
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Optical Spectra of Cornetite, Cu3(PO4)(OH)3
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PS (1996) Detailed spectroscopic studies on cornetite from southern
Shaba, Zaire. Ferroelectrics 175, 175-182.
Optical Spectra of Corvusite, (Na,Ca,K)(V5+,V4+,Fe)8O20·4H2O
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vanadium(4+) and
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Optical Spectra of Covellite, CuS
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Optical Spectra of Crocoite, PbCrO4
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Optical Spectra of Cuprorivaite, CaCuSi4O10
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(2009) The exceptional near-infrared luminescence properties of
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Optical Spectra of Delvauxite, ~CaFe4(PO4,SO4)2(OH)8·4-6H2O
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AN, Polshin EV, Tarashchan AV, Vorobev IB (1972) Moessbauer and optical
spectroscopy of iron in some natural phosphates. Mineralogicheskii
Sbornik (Lvov) 26, 257-68. (In Russian)
Optical Spectra of Demesmaekerite, Pb2Cu5(UO2)2(SeO3)6(OH)6·2H2O
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application of near-infrared
and mid-infrared spectroscopy to the study of uranyl selenite minerals:
derriksite, demesmaekerite, guilleminite and haynesite. Journal of Near
Infrared Spectroscopy 16, 455-469.
Optical Spectra of Derriksite, Cu4(UO2)(SeO3)2(OH)6
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RL, Reddy BJ, Dickfos MJ (2008) An application of
and mid-infrared spectroscopy to the study of uranyl selenite minerals:
derriksite, demesmaekerite, guilleminite and haynesite. Journal of Near
Infrared Spectroscopy 16, 455-469.
Optical Spectra of Descloizite, PbZn(VO4)(OH)
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spectra of natural orthovanadates. Konstitutsiya i Svoistva
5, 92-100. (In Russian)
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SL, Reddy BJ, Frost RL (2009) Spectroscopic investigations of
descloizite. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular
Spectroscopy 72, 194-197.
Optical Spectra of Dioptase, CuSiO3·H2O
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EPR and optical spectra of copper(2+) in dioptase. Ferroelectrics,
Letters Section 6, 103-112.
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Optical Spectra of Ekanite, Ca2ThSi8O22
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Optical Spectra of Erythrite, Co3(AsO4)2·8H2O)
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Optical Spectra of Eveite, Mn2(AsO4)(OH)
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polymorphs eveite and sarkinite. Mineralogical Magazine 52, 113-119.
Optical Spectra of Falcondoite, Ni4Si6O15(OH)2·6H2O
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Optical Spectra of Fenaksite, KNaFeSi4O10
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MD, Platonov AN, Polshin EV (1978) New data on fenaksite. Trudy
Mineralogicheskogo Muzeya, Akademiya Nauk SSSR 26, 198-200. (In Russian)
Optical Spectra of Ferrimolybdite, Fe2(MoO4)3·7H2O
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of ferrimolybdite. Konstitutsiya i Svoistva Mineralov 6, 62-6. (In
Optical Spectra of Fluocerite, (Ce,La)F3
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BS, Rogozhin AA, Ryabenko SV (1989) Determination of rare-earth
minerals under unfiltered light from a mercury lamp. Mineralogicheskii
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Optical Spectra of Fluorcarletonite, KNa4Ca4Si8O18(CO3)4·H2O
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BS, Rogozhin AA, Ryabenko SV (1989) Fluorcarletonite - A New Blue Gem
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Optical Spectra of Friedelite, Mn8Si6O15(OH)10
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friedelite. Solid State Communications 66, 1169-1171.
Optical Spectra of Gadolinite, Ce2Fe2+Be2O2(SiO4)2
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absorption of rare earth ions in minerals. Konstitutsiya i Svoistva
Mineralov 9, 58-64. (In Russian)
Optical Spectra of Gahnite
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relaxation around Cr3+ and the red-green color
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Optical Spectra of Galaxite, MnAl2O4
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a spectroscopic standard for tetrahedrally coordinated Mn2+
in oxygen-based mineral structures. American Mineralogist 92, 1225–1231.
Optical Spectra of Gagarinite, NaCaCeF6
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BS, Rogozhin AA, Ryabenko SV (1989) Determination of rare-earth
minerals under unfiltered light from a mercury lamp. Mineralogicheskii
Zhurnal 11, 55-7. (In Russian)
Optical Spectra of Garnierite, a mixture of chrysotile and lizardite
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GH (1971) A semi-quantitative microscope technique for measuring the
optical absorption spectra of mineral and other powders. Canadian
Mineralogist 9, 889-895.
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Optical Spectra of Gaspeite, NiCO3
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RL (2004) Electronic and vibrational spectra of gaspeite. Neues
Jahrbuch für Mineralogie-Monatschefte 2004, 525-536.
Optical Spectra of Genthelvite, Be3Zn4(SiO4)3S
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Optical Spectra of
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getchellite. Mineralogicheskii Sbornik (Lvov) 21, 263-8. (In Russian)
Optical Spectra of Glaucochroite, CaMn(SiO4)
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KL, White WB (1966) Crystal field spectra and chemical
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manganese minerals. In: Papers and proceedings of the fifth general
meeting, International Mineralogical Association. Cambridge, England,
Aug 30-Sep 3, 1966. p22-35.
Optical Spectra of 'Glauconite', (K,Na)(Fe,Al,Mg)2(Si,Al)4O10(OH)2
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Optical Spectra of Gormanite, Fe3Al4(PO4)(OH)·2H2O
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studies of iron bearing phosphate minerals: satterlyite and gormanite
from Yukon Territory, Canada. Spectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular
and biomolecular spectroscopy 59, 2115-2121.
Optical Spectra of Graemite, Cu(TeO3)·H2O
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of selected minerals. Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, 165(3).
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Optical Spectra of Grossite, CaAl4O7
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Optical Spectra of Guilleminite, Ba(UO2)3(SeO3)2O2·3H2O
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RL, Reddy BJ, Dickfos MJ (2008) An application of near-infrared and
mid-infrared spectroscopy to the study of uranyl selenite minerals:
derriksite, demesmaekerite, guilleminite and haynesite. Journal of Near
Infrared Spectroscopy 16, 455-469.
Optical Spectra of 'Hackmanite', Na8Al6Si6O24(Cl2,S)
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Optical Spectra of Halloysite, Al2(Si2O5)(OH)4
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Optical Spectra of Hammarite, Pb2Cu2Bi4S9
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vanadates with complex radicals. Konstitutsiya i Svoistva Mineralov 6,
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Optical Spectra of Haradaite, SrVSi2O7
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vanadium(3+) complexes. Konstitutsiya i Svoistva Mineralov 7,
75-81. (In Russian)
Optical Spectra of Haynesite, (UO2)3(OH)2(SeO3)2·5H2O
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RL, Reddy BJ, Dickfos MJ (2008) An application of near-infrared and
mid-infrared spectroscopy to the study of uranyl selenite minerals:
derriksite, demesmaekerite, guilleminite and haynesite. Journal of Near
Infrared Spectroscopy 16, 455-469.
Optical Spectra of Hedyphane, Ca2Pb3(AsO4)3Cl
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RL, Palmer SJ, Reddy BJ (2008) The structure of mimetite, arsenian
pyromorphite and hedyphane –a Near Infrared spectroscopic study.
Polyhedron 27, 1747-1753.
Optical Spectra of Hewettite, CaV6O16·9H2O
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Optical Spectra of Hiärnerite, Ca2Zr4Mn3+SbTiO16
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Optical Spectra of Hübernite, Mn(WO4)
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meeting, International Mineralogical Association. Cambridge, England,
Aug 30-Sep 3, 1066. p22-35.
Optical Spectra of Humite, (Mg,Fe)7(SiO4)3(F,OH)2
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Optical Spectra of Hydroxylherderite, CaBePO4OH
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Optical Spectra of Inesite, Ca2Mn2+7Si10O28(OH)2·5H2O
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Optical Spectra of Iowaite, Mg6Fe2(OH)16Cl2·4H2O
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GS, Frost RL, Endo T (2010) Optical
absorption, infrared, Raman, and EPR spectral studies on natural
iowaite mineral. Transition Metal Chemistry (Dordrecht, Netherlands)
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Optical Spectra of Kämmererite, Mg5Al(AlSi3O10)(OH)8
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Temperature dependent polarized single crystal absorption spectra of
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Optical Spectra of Karrooite, MgTi2O5
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JA, Monrós G (2015) Synthesis, stability and coloring
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Optical Spectra of "Kerchenite", an iron phosphate mixture
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Moessbauer and optical spectroscopy of iron in some natural phosphates.
Mineralogicheskii Sbornik (Lvov) 26, 257-68. (In Russian)
Optical Spectra of Kerolite, Mg3Si4O10(OH)2·H2O
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Optical Spectra of 'Knebelite', (FeMn)2SiO4
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Optical Spectra of Lamprophyllite, (SrNa)Ti2Na3Ti(Si2O7)2O2(OH)2
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Chandrasekhar AV, Venkataramanaiah M (2002) Optical and EPR spectra of
Ti3+ in lamprophyllite from Kola Peninsula,
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Optical Spectra of Langbeinite, K2Mg2(SO4)3
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Optical Spectra of 'Lapis Lazuli'
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Optical Spectra of Laurentthomasite, KMg2AlBe2Si12O30
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Optical Spectra of Lazurite, Na3Ca(Si3Al3)O12S
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GH (1971) A Semi-quantitative MIcroscope Technique for Measuring the
Optical Absorption Spectr of Mineral and Other Powders. The Canadian
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Paramagnetic sulfur radicals in dark-colored hackmanites and natural
lazurites. Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrains'koi RSR, Seriya B:
Geologiya, Geofizika, Khimiya ta Biologiya 35, 99-101. (In Ukranian)
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Optical Spectra of Leucophoenicite, Mn7(SiO4)3(OH)2
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Optical Spectra of Libethenite, Cu2(PO4)(OH)
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BJ, Rao PS ( 1995) Optical and EPR spectra of libethenite
mineral. Ferroelectrics 166, 55-62.
Optical Spectra of Linarite, PbCu(SO4)(OH)2
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Optical Spectra of Lithiophilite, LiMn(PO4)
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meeting, International Mineralogical Association. Cambridge, England,
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Optical Spectra of Lovchorrite, (◻,Ca,Na)3(Ca,REE)4Ti(Si2O7)2[H2O,OH,F]4·H2O
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absorption of rare earth ions in minerals. Konstitutsiya i Svoistva
Mineralov 9, 58-64. (In Russian)
Optical Spectra of Leucopoenicite, Mn7(SiO4)3(OH)2
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Optical Spectra of Ludlamite, Fe3(PO4)2•4H2O
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(2024) Ludlamite from Brazil. The Journal of Gemmology 39, 205-205.
Optical Spectra of Magnesioferrite, MgFe2O4
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Optical Spectra of Magnesite, MgCO3
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Optical Spectra of Magnussonite, Mn10As6O18(OH,Cl)2
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Optical Spectra of Majorite, Mg3(MgSi)(SiO4)3
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Optical Spectra of Malachite, Cu2CO3(OH)2
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Malchite. Canadian Mineralogist 12, 207-210.
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Optical Spectra of Melanocerite, (Ce,Ca)5(SiO4,BO4)3(OH,O)
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rare-earth minerals under unfiltered light from a mercury lamp.
Mineralogicheskii Zhurnal 11, 55-7. (In Russian)
Optical Spectra of Melanterite, FeSO4·7H2O
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SN, Rao PS, Ravikumar RVSSN, Reddy BJ, Reddy YP (2001) Spectral
investigations on melanterite mineral from France. Spectrochimica Acta
Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 57,
Optical Spectra of Meta-autunite, Ca(UO2)2(PO4)2·6H2O
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Effect of
crystal chemical factors on the optical absorption spectra of uranyl
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the luminescence and spectroscopy of meta-autunite. Mineralogicheskii
Zhurnal 2, 46-53. (In Russian)
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AO, Platonov AN, Tarashchan AN (1983) Optical absorption spectra and
color of uranyl-containing minerals. Mineralogicheskii Sbornik (Lvov)
37, 7-19. (In Russian)
Optical Spectra of Metahewettite, CaV6O16·3H2O
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of vanadium in natural minerals. II. Optical
absorption spectra of
vanadates with complex radicals. Konstitutsiya i Svoistva Mineralov 6,
58-62. (In Russian)
Optical Spectra of Metatorbernite, Cu(UO2)2(PO4)2·8H2O
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Effect of
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ion in minerals. Mineralogicheskii Sbornik (Lvov) 26, 393-398. (In
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AO, Platonov AN, Tarashchan AN (1983) Optical absorption spectra and
color of uranyl-containing minerals. Mineralogicheskii Sbornik (Lvov)
37, 7-19. (In Russian)
Optical Spectra of Metauranocircite-I, Ba(UO2)2(PO4)2·6H2O
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AO, Platonov AN, Tarashchan AN (1983) Optical absorption spectra and
color of uranyl-containing minerals. Mineralogicheskii Sbornik (Lvov)
37, 7-19. (In Russian)
Optical Spectra of Metauranospinite, Cu(UO2)2(AsO4)2·8H2O
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AO, Platonov AN, Tarashchan AN (1983) Optical absorption spectra and
color of uranyl-containing minerals. Mineralogicheskii Sbornik (Lvov)
37, 7-19. (In Russian)
Optical Spectra of Metazeunerite, Cu(UO2)2(AsO4)2·8H2O
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Mineralogicheskii Sbornik (Lvov) 26, 393-398. (In Russian)
Optical Spectra of Mimetite, Pb5(AsO4)3Cl
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AN, Tarashchan AN (1973) Optical absorption of tetrahedral
complexes of chromium in some minerals with apatite
structure. Doklady
Akademii Nauk SSSR 209, 929-32. (In Russian)
Optical Spectra of Mitridatite, Ca2Fe3O2(PO4)3·3H2O
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AN, Polshin EV, Tarashchan AV, Vorobev IB (1972) Moessbauer and optical
spectroscopy of iron in some natural phosphates. Mineralogicheskii
Sbornik (Lvov) 26, 257-68. (In Russian)
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RL, Palmer SJ, Reddy BJ (2008) The structure of
arsenian pyromorphite and hedyphane –a Near Infrared spectroscopic
study. Polyhedron 27, 1747-1753.
Optical Spectra of Mosandrite, (Ca3REE)[(H2O)2Ca0.5[]0.5]Ti(Si2O7)2(OH)2(H2O)2
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Optical Spectra of Musgravite, BeMg2Al6O12
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Red Musgravite. The Journal of Gemmology 38, 548-551
Optical Spectra of Natrolite, Na2(Si3Al2)O10·2H2O
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natrolite from Indonesia. Gems & Gemology 56,
Optical Spectra of Népouite, Ni3Si2O5(OH)4
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silicate-bearing minerals by UV–vis–NIR spectroscopy. Effect of Ni
substitution in hydrous Ni–Mg silicates. Spectrochimica Acta Part A 71,
Optical Spectra of Nickelblödite, Na2Mg(SO4)2·4H2O
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and vibrational absorption spectra in nickelblodite. Indian Journal of
Physics B, 70B, 87-92.
Optical Spectra of Nullaginite, Ni2(CO3)(OH)2
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RL, Keeffe EC, Reddy BJ (2010) Characterisation of Ni
carbonate-bearing minerals by UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopy. Transition Metal
Chemistry 35, 279-287.
Optical Spectra of Olivenite, Cu2(AsO4)(OH)
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Reddy YP (1997) Electronic spectra of pseudomalachite and olivenite.
Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics 35, 71-72.
Optical Spectra of Opal, SiO2·nH2O
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Optical Spectra of Otwayite, Ni2(CO3)(OH)2·H2O
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Optical Spectra of Oxykerchenite, BaMg2TiO2(Si2Al2)O10
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AN, Polshin EV, Tarashchan AV, Vorobev IB (1972) Moessbauer and optical
spectroscopy of iron in some natural phosphates. Mineralogicheskii
Sbornik (Lvov) 26, 257-68. (In Russian)
Optical Spectra of Pascoite, Ca3V10O28·17H2O
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of vanadium in natural minerals. II. Optical
absorption spectra of
vanadates with complex radicals. Konstitutsiya i Svoistva Mineralov 6,
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Optical Spectra of Parsonite, Pb2(UO2)(PO4)2
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AO, Platonov AN, Tarashchan AN (1983) Optical absorption spectra and
color of uranyl-containing minerals. Mineralogicheskii Sbornik (Lvov)
37, 7-19. (In Russian)
Optical Spectra of Pecoraite, Ni3Si2O5(OH)4
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silicate-bearing minerals by UV–vis–NIR spectroscopy. Effect of Ni
substitution in hydrous Ni–Mg silicates. Spectrochimica Acta Part A 71,
Optical Spectra of Pectolite, NaCa2Si3O8(OH)
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Optical Spectra of Periclase, MgO
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H, Kantor I, Dubrovinsky LS (2007) Optical absorption spectra
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Optical Spectra of Phosphophyllite, Zn2Fe(PO4)2·4H2O
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characteristics of light blue-green phosphophyllite from Bolivia
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Optical Spectra of Phosphuranylite, KCa(H3O)3(UO2)7(PO4)4O4·8H2O
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color of uranyl-containing minerals. Mineralogicheskii Sbornik (Lvov)
37, 7-19. (In Russian)
Optical Spectra of "Picite", ~CaFe4(PO4,SO4)2(OH)8·4-6H2O
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AN, Polshin EV, Tarashchan AV, Vorobev IB (1972) Moessbauer and optical
spectroscopy of iron in some natural phosphates. Mineralogicheskii
Sbornik (Lvov) 26, 257-68. (In Russian)
Optical Spectra of Pimelite, Ni3Si4O10(OH)2·4H2O
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Optical Spectra of Plancheite. Cu8(Si8O22)(OH)4·H2O
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Lakshman SVJ (1982) Absorption spectra of copper(2+) in shattuckite and
plancheite. Physics Letters A, 92A, 305-308.
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Physics and Solid State Physics Symposium (1984), 25, 209-10.
Optical Spectra of Polydymite, NiNi2S4
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Reddy YP (1994) Spectroscopic investigations on
polydymite. Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids
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Optical Spectra of Poudretteite, KNa2B3Si12O30
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K, Gübelin EJ (2003) Poudretteite: A rare gem species from Mogok Valley
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Optical Spectra of Prehnite, Ca2Al2Si3O10(OH)2
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spectral studies of prehnite mineral. Indian Journal of Physics, A 75A,
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absorption and EPR spectroscopic methods. Spectrochimica Acta Part A:
Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 62, 71-75.
Optical Spectra of Proustite, Ag3AsS3
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Optical Spectra of Pseudomalachite, Cu5(PO4)2(OH)4
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Electronic spectra of pseudomalachite and olivenite. Indian Journal of
Pure and Applied Physics 35, 71-72.
Optical Spectra of Pucherite, BiVO4
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Optical Spectra of Pyrargyrite, Ag3SbS3
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Optical Spectra of Pyrite, FeS2
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Optical Spectra of Pyromorphite, Pb5(PO4)3Cl
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Optical Spectra of Pyrophanite, MnTiO3
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Optical Spectra of Pyroxmangite, MnSiO3
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Optical Spectra of Renierite, (Cu,Zn)11Fe4(Ge,As)2S16
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Optical Spectra of Rhabdophane, Ce(PO4)·H2O
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absorption of rare earth ions in minerals. Konstitutsiya i Svoistva
Mineralov 9, 58-64. (In Russian)
Optical Spectra of Rhodonite, CaMn3Mn[Si5O15]
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meeting, International Mineralogical Association. Cambridge, England,
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Optical Spectra of Ringwoodite
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Optical Spectra of Rinkite-(Ce), Na2Ca4CeTi(Si2O7)2OF2
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Optical Spectra of Rinkolite, (◻,Ca,Na)3(Ca,REE)4Ti(Si2O7)2[H2O,OH,F]4·H2O
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Optical Spectra of Rodalquilarite, H3Fe2(TeO3)4Cl
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EC, Reddy BJ (2009) An application of near-infrared and
spectroscopy to the study of selected tellurite minerals:
xocomecatlite, tlapallite and rodalquilarite. Transition Metal
Chemistry, 34, 23-32.
Optical Spectra of Rosasite, CuZn(CO3)(OH)2
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Optical Spectra of Roscoelite, KV2(Si3Al)O10(OH)2
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Optical Spectra of Sabugalite, HAl(UO2)4(PO4)4·16H2O
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AO, Platonov AN, Tarashchan AN (1983) Optical absorption spectra and
color of uranyl-containing minerals. Mineralogicheskii Sbornik (Lvov)
37, 7-19. (In Russian)
Optical Spectra of Saléeite, Mg(UO2)2(PO4)2(H2O)10
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color of uranyl-containing minerals. Mineralogicheskii Sbornik (Lvov)
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Optical Spectra of Sarkinite, Mn2(AsO4)(OH)
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Optical Spectra of Satterlyite, (Fe)12(PO3OH)(PO4)5(OH,O)6
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Optical Spectra of Scorodite, FeAsO4·2H2O
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Optical Spectra of Sekaninite, Fe2Al3(AlSi5O18)
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Optical Spectra of Schröckingerite, NaCa3(UO2)(SO4)(CO3)3F·10H2O
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color of uranyl-containing minerals. Mineralogicheskii Sbornik (Lvov)
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Optical Spectra of Sepiolite, Mg4(Si6O15)(OH)2·6H2O
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Optical Spectra of Serandite, NaMn2Si3O8(OH)
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Optical Spectra of Serpentines, Mg3[Si2O5](OH)4
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Optical Spectra of Shattuckite, Cu5(Si2O6)2(OH)2
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Optical Spectra of Sinhalite, MgAl(BO4)
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Optical Spectra of Smirnite, Bi2TeO5
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mid-infrared spectroscopy to the study of selected minerals. Radiation
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Optical Spectra of Sogdianite, KZr2Li3[Si12O30]
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Optical Spectra of Sphaerocobaltite, CoCO3
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Optical Spectra of Stichtite, Mg6Cr2(OH)16[CO3]·4H2O
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Optical Spectra of Stringhamite, CaCu(SiO4)·H2O
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Optical Spectra of Sulfo Salts
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Optical Spectra of Sussexite, MnBO2(OH)
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Optical Spectra of Takovite, Ni6Al2(OH)16[CO3]·4H2O
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Optical Spectra of Talc, Mg3Si4O10(OH)2
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last updated: 25-Apr-2024