Optical Spectra of Pyroxenes
Review articles
- Rossman GR (1980) Pyroxene spectroscopy. In Prewit CIT
(ed) Pyroxenes.
Reviews in Mineralogy 7, 93-116.
- Matsyuk
SS, Platonov AN, Khomenko VM (1985) Optical absorption spectra and
colour of mantle minerls in kimberites. Kiev: Nauk. Dumka Press, 1985.
248 p. (in Russian).
- Khomenko VM, Platonov AN (1987) Porodoobrazuyushchie
Pirokseny: Opticheskie Spektry, Okraska i Pleokhroizm. (Rock-Forming
Pyroxenes: Optical Spectra, Color, and Pleochroism) 216 pp. Publisher:
Naukova Dumka, Kiev (in Russian)
- Hazen
RM, Bell PM, Mao HK (1978)
Systematic variations of pyroxene absorption spectra with composition.
Carnegie Inst. Washington Yearbook 77, 853-855
- Khomenko
VM, Platonov AN (1981) Experimental quantitative assessment of
the pleochromism of minerals (as exemplified by clinopyroxenes).
Mineralogicheskii Zhurnal 3, 3-11. In Russian
- Khomenko VM, Platonov AN, Matsyuk SS, Kharkiv AD (1982)
Colouring and pleochroism of clinopyroxenes from deep inclusions in the
"Mir" kimberlite pipe. Mineral Zhurnal 4, 41-51 (in Russian).
- Khomenko VM, Platonov AN (1982) Some crystal-chemical
aspects of pleochroism of iron-containing clinopyroxenes. Mineral. Zh.
1982, 38-45 (in Russian).
- Taran MN, Langer K (1998) Temperature and pressure dependence of
intervalence charge transfer bands in spectra of some Fe- and
Fe,Ti-bearing oxhygen-based minerals. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie -
Abhandlungen 172, 325-346
- Langer K, Khomenko VM (1999) The influence of crystal field
stabilization energy on Fe2+ partitioning in paragenetic
minerals. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 137, 220-231.
- Matsyuk, S. S. (1999)
Optically active centers as indicators of differentiation of the upper
mantle primary material. Mineralogicheskii
Zhurnal 21, 20-38. (In Russian).
- Langer K, Abu-Eid RM (1977) Measurement of the polarized
absorption spectra of synthetic transition metal-bearing silicate
microcrystals in the spectral range 44,000-4,000 cm-1. Physics
and Chemistry of Minerals 1, 273-299.
- Khomenko VM, Pol'shin EV, Platonov AN, Buchinskaya
NI (1983) Optical and Moessbauer spectroscopy of iron in pyroxenes of
the acmite-salite series. Mineralogicheskii Zhurnal 5, 47-60. (in
- Amthauer G, Rossman GR (1984) Mixed valence of iron in
minerals with cation clusters. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 11,
- Marfunin AS, Mineeva RM, Mkrtchyan AR, Nyussik YM, Fedorov VE
(1967) Optical and Moessbauer spectroscopy of iron in rock-forming
silicates. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya (1967),
86-102. (In Russian)
- Bakhtin AI, Vinokurov VM (1978) Exchange-coupled pairs of
metal ions and their effect on the optical absorption spectra of
rock-forming silicates. Geochemistry International 1979, 53-60.
(translated from Geokhimiya 1, 87-95).
- Schmetzer K (1982) Absorptionsspektroskopie und Farbe vokn V3+-haltigen
natūrlichen Oxiden und Silikaten - ein Beitrag zur Kristallchemie des
Vanadiuiims. N Jb Mineral Abhandlungen 144, 73-106.
- Amthauer G, Rossman GR (1984) Mixed valence of iron in
minerals with cation clusters. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 11,
- Abs-Wurmbach I (1985) Polarized absorption spectra of
single crystals of the chromium bearing clinopyroxenes cosmochlore and
chromian aegirine augite. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Abhandlungen
152, 293-319.
- Marfunin AS, Mineeva RM, Mkrtchyan AR, Nyussik YM, Fedorov VE
(1967) Optical and Moessbauer spectroscopy of iron in rock-forming
silicates. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya (1967),
86-102. (In Russian)
- Manning PG, Nickel EH (1969) A spectral study of the origin
of colour and pleochroism of a titanaugite from Kaiserstuhl and of a
riebeckite from St. Peter's Dome, Colorado. Canadian Mineral 10, 71-83
- Burns RG (1970) Mineralogical Applications of Crystal Field
Theory. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
- Burns RG (1970) The crystal field spectra and evidence of
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- Bell PM, Mao HK (1972) Crystal-field determinations of
Fe3+. Ann Rept Geophys Lab, Yearbook, 68, 531-538.
- Bell PM, Mao HK (1972) Crystal-field effects of iron and
titanium in selected grains of Apollo 12, 14, and 15 rocks, glasses and
fine fractions. Proc. Third Lunar Sci Conf, Suppl 3, Geochim Cosmochim
Acta 1, 545-553.
- Bell PM, Mao HK (1972) Crystal-field studies of lunar
samples. Carnegie Inst of Washington Yearbook 71, 480-489.
- Cohen AJ (1972) Trace ferric ion in lunar and meteoritic
titanautites. The Moon 4, 141-154
- Burns RG, Abu-Eid RM, Huggins FE
(1972) Crystal field spectra of lunar pyroxenes. Proceedings of the
Third Lunar Science Conference, Supplement 3, Geochimica et
Cosmochimica Acta 1, 533-543.
- Burns
RG, Vaughn DJ, Abu-Eid RM, Witner M, Morawski A (1973)
Spectral evidence for chromium(3+), titanium(3+), and iron(2+) rather
than chromium(2+) and iron(3+) in lunar ferromagnesian
silicates. Proc.
Lunar Sci. Conf., 4th (1973), 1, 983-94.
- Cohen AJ (1973) Anisotropy of absorption bands in some
lunar, meteorite and terrestrial pyroxenes. The Moon 7, 307-321.
- Dowty E, Clark JR
(1973) Crystal structure and optical properties of a Ti3+
fassaite from the Allende meteorite. Amer Mineral 58:230-242.
- Bell
PM, Mao
HK (1976) Crystal-field spectra of fassaite from the Angra Dos Reis
Carnegie Inst. Washington Yearbook 75:701-705.
- Burns RG, Parkin KM, Loeffler BM (1976) Further characterization
spectral features attributable to titanium on the moon. Proceedings
Lunar science Conference 7th , 2561-2578.
- Mao HK, Bell PM, Virgo D (1977) Crystal-field spectra of
fassaite from
the Angra Dos Reis meteorite. Earth Planet Sci Letters 35,
- Dowty
E (1978) Absorption Optics of Low-Symmetry Crystals - Application to
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variation on
absorption spectra of lunar pyroxenes. Procedings of the Lunar and
Planetary Science Conference 9th, 2929-2934.
- Hiroi T, Takeda H (1992) Crystal-Field Theory Calculations for Fe2+ Ions in Bronzite, Augite and Olivine. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 19, 229-235.
- Yurchenko NG, Taran MM (2018) Optical Spectroscopic and
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Masif of the Azov Region. Мінерал. журн. [Mineralogical Journal
(Ukraine) 40,53-63.
- Burns RG, Parkin KM, Loeffler BM, Leung IS, Abu-Eid RM
Further characterization of spectral features attributable to titanium
on the moon. Proc Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th , 2561-2578.
- Ghose S, Kersten M, Langer K, Rossi G, Ungaretti L
(1986) Crystal field spectra and Jahn Teller effect of Mn3+
in clinopyroxenes and clinoamphioles from India. Phys Chem Minerals 13,
- Khomenko VM, Platonov AN (1987) Porodoobrazuyushchie
Pirokseny: Opticheskie Spektry, Okraska i Pleokhroizm. (Rock-Forming
Pyroxenes: Optical Spectra, Color, and Pleochroism) 216 pp. Publisher:
Naukova Dumka, Kiev (in Russian).
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chromian aegirine augite. Neues Jahrbuch für
Mineralogie, Abhandlungen 152, 293-319.
- Khomenko VM, Platonov AN (1985) Electronic absorption
of Cr3+ ions in natural clinopyroxenes. Phys Chem Minerals 11, 261-265.
- Langer K (1988) UV to NIR spectra of silicate
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- White WB, Keester KL (1966) Optical absorption spectra of
iron in the rock-forming silicates. Amer Mineral 51, 774-791.
- Grum-Grzhimailo
SV, Boksha ON, Varina TM (1967) Absorption spectrum of chromium
diopside. Kristallografiya 12, 1073. (In Russian)
- Marfunin AS, Mineeva RM, Mkrtchyan AR, Nyussik YM, Fedorov VE
(1967) Optical and Moessbauer spectroscopy of iron in rock-forming
silicates. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya (1967),
86-102. (In Russian)
- Grum-Grzhimailo SV, Boksha ON, Varina TM (1968) The
absorption spectrum of chrome-diopside. Soviet Phys Crystallogr 12, 935.
- White WB, McCarthy GJ, Scheetz BE (1971) Optical spectra of
chromium, nickel and cobalt-containing pyroxenes. Amer Mineral 56,
- Mao HK, Bell, PM and Dickey, JS. (1972) Comparison of the
crystal-field spectra of natural and synthetic chrome diopside.
Carnegie Inst. Washington Yearbook 71, 538-541.
- Cohen AJ (1973) Anisotropy of absorption bands in some
lunar, meteorite and terrestrial pyroxenes. The Moon 7, 307-321.
- Boksha ON, Varina TM, Kostyuko IG (1974) Structure of the
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silicates. Geochemistry International 1979, 53-60. (translated
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- Schmetzer K (1982) Absorptionsspektroskopie und Farbe vokn V3+-haltigen
natūrlichen Oxiden und Silikaten - ein Beitrag zur Kristallchemie des
Vanadiuiims. N Jb Mineral Abhandlungen 144, 73-106.
- Platonov AN, Khomenko VM, Belichenko VP (1984) Optical
absorption spectra of vanadium diopside; lavrovite. Zapiski
Vsesoyuznogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva 1984, 724-727. (in Russian).
- Khomenko VM, Platonov AN (1985) Electronic absorption
spectra of Cr3+ ions in natural clinopyroxenes.
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Masif of the Azov Region. Мінерал. журн. [Mineralogical Journal
(Ukraine) 40,53-63.
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