Infrared Studies in the Mineral Spectroscopy Lab. (Prof. G.R. Rossman)
Infrared Instrument
For collecting infrared spectra we use both a Nicolet 860 Magna
series FTIR and a Thermo-Nicolet iS50 FTIR. We have a selection of beam
splitters and detectors to optimally
cover the range from 15,000 cm-1 to 50 cm-1.
The iS50 system connects to a Nicolet Continumm
Infrared Microscope for microsamples.

The Nicolet iS50 Fourier Transform Infrared
spectrophotometer that is connected to the infrared microscope. |

The Nicolet Magna 860 FTIR with an ATR accessory in the sample compartment.
We can run samples under several conditions with accessories:
1) Specular Reflection:
This is good for samples that are flat and especially good if they are well polished on one surface.
2) Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR).
A DuraScope ATR unit, from what formerally was SensIR corporation,
is an excellent way to identify small amounts of powdered samples.
3) Diffuse Reflectance

4) Polarizers:
Wire grid on CaF2
LiIO3 crystal polarizer - a very high-efficiency crystal polarizer from InRad that is no longer in their product line.
Unsupported wire grid polarizer - broad wavelength coverage, but very delicate.
5) Variable Temperature Stages:
Linkham FT-600 Stage
6) Detectors:
DTGS-KBr window for near- and mid IR,
DTGS-polyethylene window for Far-IR
7) Beam-splitters:
SiO2, CaF2, KBr, KBr-extended, Solid substrate for Far-IR